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Interior Painting Services
Ernsthausen Painting is a full service Interior Painting Contractor. We offer Residential & Commercial Interior Painting. We are a painting company that uses professional equipment and superior paint products. We prep everything with drops and plastic. We even paint interior doors at our own local spray shop and can handle painting one door or a hundred doors! There isn't anything Ernsthausen Painting can't paint, so lets get started!
Interior PaintingInterior Painting is what we do. We have skilled professional painters who can help with color choices and color schemes that will work with your homes interior decor. Ernsthausen Painting can even do drywall patch work to ensure your walls and ceilings match in texture.
Custom Interior PaintingErnsthausen Painting is known for our Custom Interior Painting. We professionally paint all types of trim, crown, cove, baseboards, doors, mantels and more!
Our Custom Painters are skilled in accent walls, multiple sheen finishes and more. |
Interior Doors & TrimInterior Trim & Doors can be tricky if you don't choose Ernsthausen Painting. We have our own spray shop that can handle multiple door and trim finishes. Painters who are skilled in prep and cleanup so your project is that perfect color and style you've always wanted!